Privacy & Disclaimer

Use of Cookies

Section 1.1
A file stored in your computer’s browser, called a “cookie,” allows our web server to read your customized preferences. When you visit our site, we may place a cookie on your computer that will allow us to enhance your experience at Nimble Health, LLC (“Nimble Health”), and to make improvements to our site. Our cookies will never be used to track your activity on any third party web sites that you link to from Nimble Health to send “spam”. The cookie does not provide us with any personally identifiable information about you, and is deleted when your Internet session is terminated.

Use of the Information

Section 1.2
We will not use any personally identifiable information you give us except to provide the product, service or information that you request or for which you register. We may use the non-personally identifiable information we gather in aggregate form to improve our site, and we may share that information with our affiliated companies or our health and wellness sponsors. Personal information you voluntarily provide and the non-personally identifiable information we collect in aggregate form will not affect your insurance coverage, eligibility, premiums or claims payment.

Email Communications

Section 1.3
We welcome your comments and questions about our website and have provided a contact form for that purpose. We will share your comments and questions with our customer service representatives and those employees most capable of addressing your questions and concerns. Please note that your email, like most, if not all, non-encrypted Internet email communications, may be accessed and viewed by other Internet users, without your knowledge or permission, while in transit to us. For that reason, please do not use email to communication information which you consider confidential. If you are required to provide your email address in order to use the service, Nimble Health may use this email address to correspond with you regarding the Service. We may also retain this email address for such future uses which we may determine in our discretion. Additionally, we may send email responses to questions submitted via the contact us form.

Sites To Which We Link

Section 1.4
If you choose to use any of the links we provide to other organizations’ sites you will be leaving our web site and going to a new one. We will inform you when you are leaving our site. Protection of privacy at those other sites is governed by the privacy policy at that site.

Privacy & Security

Section 1.5
This site is compliant with the privacy and security provisions of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 and has security measures in place to protect against the loss, misuse and alteration of the information under our control. The site requires users to give us unique identifiers in order to log into many areas of the site. The identifiers include, as appropriate, provider identification numbers, subscriber identification numbers, employer identification numbers, and/or assigned usernames and passwords. We utilize these unique identifiers to verify the user’s identity and eligibility. You must take responsible and appropriate steps to safeguard your identification numbers to help protect patient privacy. Our site has additional security measures in place to protect against loss, misuse and/or unauthorized alteration of the information under our control, including but not limited to: Built-in firewalls (a combination of hardware and software) to keep unauthorized users from accessing information through our computer network. Encryption Technology, including Secure Socket Layer for certain communications. Timeout feature that automatically logs you out after an extended period of inactivity.

Changes To This Policy

Section 1.6
This site is compliant with the privacy and security provisions of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 and has security measures in place to protect against the loss, misuse and alteration of the information under our control. Our site has additional security measures in place to protect against loss, misuse and/or unauthorized alteration of the information under our control, including but not limited to: Built-in firewalls (a combination of hardware and software) to keep unauthorized users from accessing information through our computer network. Encryption Technology, including Secure Socket Layer for certain communications. Timeout feature that automatically logs you out after an extended period of inactivity.